International and Intercultural Diplomacy

XXV. Black International Cinema
Berlin / Germany & U.S.A.

MAY 4 - 8, 2010


"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won´t if I don´t..."
Oscar Brown Jr.

"Mankind will either find a way or make one."
C.P. Snow

"Whatever you do..., be cool!"
Joseph Louis Turner

"Yes, I can...!"
Sammy Davis Jr.

"Yes, We can...!"
Barack Obama


Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program
Fountainhead® Distribution - Film & Anthologies
Classic In Black
Portraits and Poems

Production & Direction: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre

FestLabPass Holder
presented by

European Festivals Association

FestLabPass Holder: download (pdf)

Volunteer Certificate Awards

on the photo, from left:
Angela Kramer, production co-ordinator:
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin/ Cultural Zephyr e.V.,
Pierre Walter, public relations, MFA Kera, musician/poet,
Christel Seidel, Senate for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs/
Department for Berlin Volunteer Certificate Awards,
Barbara Saltmann, public relations, Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq, saxophonist/composer,
Yamil Borges, singer/actress/poet, Mike Russell, musician/poet,
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, co-founder/producer/director/publisher:
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V.
front: Sonja Prinz, artist, photograph: Marion Kramer

Twice a year, the Senate of Berlin/Germany presents awards to persons who are engaged in voluntary community service and working with social and cultural organizations based in Berlin. On November 23, 2009 more than 100 volunteers received the Volunteer Certificate Award (FreiwilligenPass) presented at Berlin City Hall by the Senator for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs Carola Bluhm, assisted by the Undersecretary of State, Monika Helbig, Commissioner of the Berlin Senate for Volunteering in Civil Society. This document of appreciation and recognition is presented to the persons of Berlin, who have engaged in honorary undertakings and positions. One of the organizations eligible for nominating persons for the Volunteer Certificate Award is Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, an international and intercultural organization, which was founded 1980, in Berlin/Germany. In November 2009 Fountainhead® was invited for the fifth time to participate in the award ceremony.


For further information, please click on the announcement

William Ernest Henley


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley


Aus dieser Nacht, die mich umhüllt,
von Pol zu Pol schwarz wie das Grab,
dank ich welch immer Gottes Bild
die unbezwung'ne Seel mir gab.

Wenn grausam war des Lebens Fahrt,
habt ihr nie zucken, schrein mich sehn!
Des Schicksals Knüppel schlug mich hart
mein blut'ger Kopf blieb aufrecht stehn!

Ob zornerfüllt, ob tränenvoll,
ob Jenseitsschrecken schon begann
das Grauen meines Alters soll
mich furchtlos finden, jetzt und dann.

Was kümmert's, daß der Himmel fern
und daß von Straf' mein Buch erzähl',
Ich bin der Herr von meinem Stern,
Ich bin der Meister meiner Seel'!

"Opportunity, please knock...

....We Have A Dream and Still We Rise....

XXV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2010
Opening Doors for filmmakers:
....We Have A Dream and Still We Rise.... An International Media Project

further information

You may submit
your entry fee
and/or donations
through PayPal


Opening Page
"We Have a Dream!"
WAVE Magazine, Serbia

english / german
Tulipphoto presents
Tanz Theatre

My Thoughts on Barack Obama

In 2008, history was made when Barack Obama was elected president. This made me feel very proud to be an African American.
America has taken a big step in accepting diversity in political leadership roles. By that I mean voting for and electing our first African American president, Barack Obama. Barack Obama is an inspiration to me, because he proved that there can always be change as long as you are willing to work toward it.
I also believe, he will make every effort to find a peaceful solution to ending the war in Iraq, solving the crisis with the economy, and any other crisis that may effect America and its people in the future.
Barack Obama is an inspiration to every American - Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic.

Tyler Jerami Griffith, 12 years old, Chicago/Illinois, USA

Tyler Jerami Griffith

Meine Gedanken zu Barack Obama

Im Jahr 2008 wurde Geschichte gemacht, als Barack Obama zum Präsidenten gewählt wurde. Dies machte mich sehr stolz darauf, ein Afrikanisch-Amerikaner zu sein.
Amerika hat einen großen Schritt darin getan, Verschiedenheit in der politischen Führung zu akzeptieren. Damit meine ich, für unseren ersten afrikanisch-amerikanischen Präsidenten, Barack Obama, zu stimmen und ihn zu wählen. Barack Obama ist eine Inspiration für mich, weil er bewiesen hat, dass es immer Veränderungen geben kann, so lange man gewillt ist, darauf hin zu arbeiten.
Ich glaube auch, dass er jede Anstrengung unternehmen wird, eine friedliche Lösung zu finden, um den Krieg in Irak zu beenden, die Wirtschaftskrise zu überwinden und jede andere Krise, die sich in Zukunft auf Amerika und seine Menschen auswirken mag.
Barack Obama ist eine Inspiration für alle Amerikaner - Schwarze, Weiße, Asiaten und Lateinamerikaner.

Tyler Jerami Griffith, 12 Jahre alt, Chicago/Illinois, USA



Invited Guest Panelist:
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith

Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre /
Black International Cinema Berlin /
THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin /
Cultural Zephyr e.V.

photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

1. Panel: "Music as Cultural Diplomacy"
2. Panel: "New Technologies in Arts and Culture -
Preservation and Presentation"

Cercle de l'Union Interalliée
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Marion Kramer, Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Gabriela Rosa da Silva, Angela Kramer,
photograph: Mandy Absil

Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum, Cercle de l'Union Interalliée, Paris/France
Participants at Salon Foch, photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Cercle de l'Union Interalliée
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / co-founder/publisher/producer/director,
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, Black International Cinema Berlin,
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V.
Dr. Damien M. Pwono / Executive Director, Aspen Global Initiative on Arts, Culture,
and Society, Director, Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum
photograph: Mandy Absil

Invited Guest Panelists (from left): Aaron Levy/Founding Executive Director and
Senior Curator, Slought Foundation, Lisa Koenigsberg/President and Founder,
Initiatives in Art and Culture, Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith/co-founder, publisher,
producer, director, Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, Black International Cinema Berlin,
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin, Cultural Zephyr e.V.,
Stéphane Bezomes/Multimedia Engineer and Consultant,
not shown: Richard Beardsworth/Director of the Centre of Transnational Studies,
The American University of Paris
Panel: "New Technologies in Arts and Culture - Preservation and Presentation"
photograph: Marion Kramer

Panel: "New Technologies in Arts and Culture - Preservation and Presentation"
photograph: Marion Kramer

Cercle de l'Union Interalliée
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Gabriela Rosa da Silva, Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Mandy Absil
photograph: Marion Kramer

Dinner and Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Awards,
La Verrière and Salon Ravel, Intercontinental Paris Le Grand
Gabriela Rosa da Silva, Marion Kramer, Angela Kramer, Richard,
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Mandy
photograph: Mandy Absil

Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Network Cocktail Reception
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Michael Fitzpatrick, Composer & Cellist
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Natalio Grueso, Director General/Niemeyer Foundation
& Staff Member, Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Cercle de l'Union Interalliée
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Marion Kramer, public relations co-ordinator
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, Black International Cinema Berlin,
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin, Cultural Zephyr e.V.
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum, Seminar Presentation at Salon Foch
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Dr. Damien M. Pwono / Executive Director, Aspen Global Initiative on Arts,
Culture, and Society, Director, Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Prize Laureate, chemistry, Frank H.T. Rhodes Professor
of Humane Letters Emeritus, Cornell University, poet and playwright
& guest
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

guest, Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Dr. Damien M. Pwono, guest
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Angela Kramer, production co-ordinator
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, Black International Cinema Berlin,
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin, Cultural Zephyr e.V.
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Dinner and Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Awards,
La Verrière and Salon Ravel, Intercontinental Paris Le Grand
photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

photograph: Gabriela Rosa da Silva

Production and Direction
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre
in association with
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin
and Cultural Zephyr e.V.

in cooperation with / in Kooperation mit
Commissioner for Integration, District Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin
der Integrationsbeauftragten des Bezirks Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin

Venue / Veranstaltungsort
Rathaus Schöneberg (city hall)
John-F.-Kennedy-Platz, 10825 Berlin/Germany

Admission free / Eintritt frei