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"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure wonīt if I donīt..."
Oscar Brown Jr.

"Mankind will either find a way or make one."
C.P. Snow

"Whatever you do..., be cool!"
Joseph Louis Turner

"Yes, I can...!"
Sammy Davis Jr.

"Yes, We can...!"
Barack Obama


Prof.  Donald Muldrow Griffith

Embassy of the United States of America


wave magazine

united against racism


African Women in Europe

FountainheadŪ Tanz Theatre
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program
FountainheadŪ Distribution - Film & Anthologies
Classic In Black
Portraits and Poems

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Black International Cinema Berlin
You may submit
your entry fee
and/or donations
through PayPal
Black International Cinema Berlin


German Prize for
Civic Engagement 2014
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith
Grußwort by the
U.S. Cultural Attaché

Katharina Göllner-Sweet
Passing of Chinua Achebe
Ursula Troche
Marion Kramer
Amir Kaufmann
Thomas M. Wendt
XXIX. 2014 Black International Cinema Berlin

A Complexion Change
Transnational & Intercultural Diplomacy
An International Media Project (UNESCO)

XXIX. 2014
Black International Cinema Berlin

"Pathways to Enlightenment / Wege zur Erkenntnis"
May 7-11

"Footprints in the Sand?" Exhibition
July 1 - August 31, 2014

Venue: Rathaus Schöneberg (city hall)
10825 Berlin/Germany

XXIX. 2014 Black International Cinema Berlin