KONJORLLOE - Sehen und Verstehen /
KONJORLLOE - Seeing is Believing

Director: Otu Tetteh
Documentary, Color, 34 min.
Germany/Liberia 2010
German and English with German subtitles

During the civil war from 1989 to 2003, Liberia was destroyed and families were scattered to the four corners of the world. The reconstruction of a village in the mountains of the hinterland is depicted by the documentary film "Konjorlloe - Seeing is Believing". This new beginning was made possible through the unique cooperation between the village inhabitants and Rudolf Janke of German nationality, who together began to replace the missing infrastructure. This way, the people of Konjorlloe managed to work successfully toward a new and hopeful era of the village and the region. "If you didn't see it, you won't understand it."

Liberia wurde im Bürgerkrieg von 1989 bis 2003 zerrüttet, seine Einwohner in alle Winde verstreut. Den Wiederaufbau eines Dorfes in den Bergen des Hinterlandes zeichnet der Dokumentarfilm "Konjorlloe - Sehen und Verstehen" nach. Möglich wurde dieser Neubeginn durch eine einzigartige Zusammenarbeit der Dorfbewohner mit dem aus Deutschland stammenden Rudolf Janke, die gemeinsam die fehlende Infrastruktur zu ersetzen begannen. So schafften es die Menschen in Konjorlloe, erfolgreich an einer neuen, hoffnungsvollen Ära des Dorfes und der Region zu arbeiten. "Wenn du es nicht gesehen hast, wirst du es nicht verstehen."


"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won´t if I don´t..."
Oscar Brown Jr.

"Mankind will either find a way or make one."
C.P. Snow

"Whatever you do..., be cool!"
Joseph Louis Turner

"Yes, I can...!"
Sammy Davis Jr.

"Yes, We can...!"
Barack Obama


Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program
Fountainhead® Distribution - Film & Anthologies
Classic In Black
Portraits and Poems


Transnational and Intercultural Diplomacy

Black International Cinema Berlin

Germany & U.S.A.

MAY 4 - 8, 2011

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"Footprints in the Sand?"