"The Untold Story of Hip Hop"

Directors: Hassan Pore & Ron Lawrence
Documentary, Color, 79 min.
USA 2008

This documentary tells the story about how hip hop was started in New York City during the late 60's. The history we know states hip hop started in the Bronx, but this documentary indicates that this is not true. So history has been rewritten?

Diese Dokumentation erzählt die Geschichte über den Beginn des Hiphop in New York City während der späten 60er Jahre. In der uns bekannten Geschichte wird dargestellt, Hiphop habe seinen Anfang in der Bronx gehabt, diese Dokumentation deutet jedoch daraufhin, dass dies nicht wahr ist. Die Geschichte ist also neu geschrieben worden?


"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won´t if I don´t..."
Oscar Brown Jr.

"Mankind will either find a way or make one."
C.P. Snow

"Whatever you do..., be cool!"
Joseph Louis Turner

"Yes, I can...!"
Sammy Davis Jr.

"Yes, We can...!"
Barack Obama


Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program
Fountainhead® Distribution - Film & Anthologies
Classic In Black
Portraits and Poems


Transnational and Intercultural Diplomacy

Black International Cinema Berlin

Germany & U.S.A.

MAY 4 - 8, 2011

You may submit
your entry fee
and/or donations
through PayPal


"Footprints in the Sand?"