Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!
As time passes, we always Hope, Dream that the bad things in life, have taught us lessons and therefore these „germs“ will never happen again!
Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!
But then, the bad germs re-appear in countries, people, societies where we did not expect trouble?
How did this and that Happen?
So slowly we learn the necessity of regular, constant study, thinking, Education, analysis, dialogue, Hope and Prayer, to maintain and correct our and other persons „slips“, falls and troubles and is an ongoing, all the time necessity for developing and maintaining Peace and Progress!
Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!
Recognition, Maturity, Desire for Peace and Happy Societies make us realize, there is not Healthy Historical Maintenance, without constant Love, Care and Always Lifting, through Careful Education, Attention and Support!
Relationships, Families, Societies, Countries are all, Needing of these ingredients.
Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever, is decidedly, and hopefully the only way to arrive at and continue the Best for Ourselves and the World.
Perhaps this approach is our answer and call, to Peace, Progress, Happiness, Forgiveness and forever gone „Germs“!
Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, November 2023