“Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!”

„Vorwärts und Aufwärts, Trotz Allem, Für Immer!“

38. Black International Cinema Berlin 2023

A COMPLEXION CHANGE - Transnational and Intercultural Diplomacy

XXXVIII. 2023 Black International Cinema Berlin

December 1-3 | 2023



Rathaus Schöneberg (city hall)


10825 Berlin/Germany

November 23-27 | 2023

December 7-11 | 2023

Television Presentation and Livestream

ALEX – Offener Kanal Berlin
(Open Channel Berlin) / Germany


38. Black International Cinema Berlin 2023

Once Upon a Time…

I joined a country, where I saw a single people picture, which I knew would experience a historical change!

All one people would in time be joined and hopefully healthily combined, with new faces, who would become an international, intercultural growing and developing, a new and progressively developing reflection for the rest of the world to follow!

Once upon a time, would repeat itself again and positively again!

Many blessing to follow, experience and contribute towards a nourished and developed society, worldwide.

Once upon many healthy times!

Thank you and many blessings

for All, Everywhere!

Fountainhead Tanz Théâtre, Black International Cinema Berlin, Alex – Open Channel Berlin and CrossKultur are inspirational organizations, creating ongoing efforts and accomplishments, developing and maintaining international, intercultural societies providing for increasing human development and achievements, for present and future grateful human realizations!

Onward and Upward, Despite All, Forever!

Donald Muldrow Griffith


Production and Direction

Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith
Fountainhead® Tanz Théâtre
Black International Cinema Berlin
The Collegium – Forum & Television Program Berlin
„Footprints in the Sand?“ ExhibitionBerlin


in association with
Cultural Zephyr e.V.
CrossKultur 2023

in cooperation with / in Kooperation mit

ALEX – Offener Kanal Berlin
(Open Channel Berlin)

Supporters and Associates


„I may not make it if I try,
but I damn sure won´t if I don´t…“

Oscar Brown Jr.

„Mankind will either find a way or make one.“
C.P. Snow

„Whatever you do…, be cool!“
Joseph Louis Turner

„Yes, I can…!“
Sammy Davis Jr.

„Yes, We can…!“
Barack Hussein Obama

„Yes, we can and Yes, we better…!“
Barack Hussein Obama
and Donald Muldrow Griffith

copyright: Fountainhead® Tanz Théâtre | Black International Cinema Berlin 2023